Virgin Islands Nautical Chart


Savanna Redman

Virgin Islands Nautical Chart
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Virgin Islands Nautical Chart
US and British Virgin Islands - Hand drawn by Savanna Redman 'Virgin Islands’ Chart of U.S. and British Virgin Islands. Anegada to St Croix. Drawn and painted by hand. Using India ink layered with a watercolor wash. I’ve repeated a style - I created for my Thai chart - two side columns; allowing more depth for the artwork, while still playing within the boundaries of cartography. I’ve included; the Tortola Sloop, sailing ships, most all the bays - especially old favorites like, 'Throw Away Wife Bay' off of Great Camanoe Island (some names just make you wonder). For the trade wind, I have drawn a misty Saint Ursula with a lamp for her virgin followers. I've included; reefs, shoals and drops, Pelicans, Magnificent Frigatebirds, game fish, sea turtles, a Nurse Shark, a Spotted Eagle Ray, a Bottle Nose Dolphin and more sea life mixed in with my mermaids and sea monsters.