Permit or The fish that got away


Savanna Redman

Permit or The fish that got away
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Permit or The fish that got away
Permit or the fish that got away
Serti technique on silk.

Created for my friends who love the sport of fly-fishing for Permit, or I should say hunting, because with all the current advantages of locating this timid fish, bouncing signals off the sea floor, off the satellites, “fish finders”, polarized sunglasses, and beautiful little hand crafted flies… the fish usually wins.

Beautiful and elusive, The fish that got away was created to brighten the rainy no-fish days.

Hand painted in a Serti technique on silk. 26" x 20".

*The Imagekind watermark is not on the print. To view my artwork without it - visit This artwork is also available as custom murals on kiln fired ceramic tile. Visit for more information on paintings on tile.